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Cancel an Event

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Events module allows you to easily cancel events without deleting them entirely. Canceled events are still visible on maps, calendars, and the events listing but will be marked as "Canceled."
A cancelled event in events listing

This means your community can still view the event, along with any reasons for the cancellation that are provided. Residents cannot add an event to their calendars once an event is canceled.

You can cancel an event from the OC Event page using the Cancel event options. There are two cancellations you might need to make:

Events imported using the Eventbrite module cannot be canceled through the OpenCities platform. You will need to cancel it in your Eventbrite account first. For the changes to update immediately, we recommend running a manual sync. To do this, go to More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Events > Eventbrite > Save and sync now. Your imported event will then show as canceled, and you can update the OC Event page to include any additional information, such as rescheduling or refund information.

Otherwise, the event will update with the canceled status at the next scheduled sync time stated in Eventbrite settings in Site Management.

Cancel a Whole Event

To cancel all dates for an event:

  1. In the site tree, select the OC Event page you would like to cancel and click Update
  2. Expand the Cancel event accordion menu
  3. Check Yes under Cancel this event, and add any additional information about the cancellation under the Additional information text field. While optional, it is a good idea to provide reasons for the cancellation and point your community towards any rescheduled events or refund instructions.
  4. Publish the event page

The event will be marked as canceled on the event page, and all event listings and additional information provided will be displayed below the title on the OC Event page.

A cancelled event page

Cancel Part of an Event

If your event has multiple or recurring dates, you may want to cancel some, but not all, of those dates. You must first make a copy of the event before editing the original and canceling the copy. This will ensure that your community knows that particular dates have been canceled while giving the option of other dates. 

How to Cancel Part of an Event:

  1. Right-click in the site tree on the OC Event you want to cancel.
  2. Select Copy Page to duplicate the event.
  3. On the original event page, select Edit Date & Time in the Add event dates field
  4. To cancel multiple dates, go to the Multiple Dates tab and hover over the dates you'd like to cancel. Select the bin icon to remove those dates.
  5. To cancel recurring dates, go to the Recurring Date tab and select Exclude a date. Choose the dates you want to cancel from the list and select Save exclusions.
  6. Select OK when you've finished canceling dates, then Save and Publish your page.
  7. Find the copied event in your site tree and give your copied event page a new name and title to indicate that it's for canceled dates. 
  8. Select Edit Date & Time in the Add event dates field, and add the dates that have been canceled. Select OK.
  9. Check Yes under Cancel this event, and add any additional information about the cancellation under the Additional information text field. While you cannot link out from the Additional information text field, it is good to link to the updated event from the Call to action link field so your community can find alternative dates for the event.
  10. Publish your canceled event.

This process creates two separate events; one for the dates that are still occurring, and one for the cancelled dates. As you can see in the image below, both events will also appear in the events listing, one with a clear canceled tag.

Two events in the listing, one is cancelled and one is not

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