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Manage the Eventbrite Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

This task is for users with the OC Site Manager and OC System Administrator roles.

The Eventbrite module is a premium module. To install it, you'll need to lodge a support ticket, and we'll install it for you after we've processed payment. 

After it has been installed, and you have installed the module for each additional site you need, you'll need to set it up for each site with the module. This article will show you:

Set Up the Eventbrite Module

To set up the module, you'll need to generate a Private token from Eventbrite and add it to the Site Management settings of each site that has the module.

  1. To create a private token, log in to your Eventbrite account, go to Account settings > Developer links > API keys, and select Create API key. If you are using multiple Eventbrite accounts, it's best to use an account with admin access to all your Eventbrite accounts to create an API key.
    the API keys screen in eventbrite
  2. In the Request a new key screen, you only need to fill in the required fields. The most important of these is your Application URL, which is the URL of your main site (for example, www.pointrussell.com).
    the request a new key screen in eventbrite
  3. Once you've entered your details, select Create Key.
  4. After your API key has been created, go to Account settings > Developer links > API keys and select Show API key, client secret and tokens for the API key you've just created.
    the private token in Eventbrite
  5. Copy the Private token, which you must paste into your Site Management settings.
  6. From the main menu of your OpenCities site, go to More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Eventbrite.
  7. Paste the copied token into the Private token field and select Add.

the private token field in open cities

 Once the Private token has been added, additional settings will be available to configure the module.

Choose Which Events Sync to OpenCities

Following the December 2023 release, the Eventbrite module will use organizers to control which events sync to OpenCities instead of organizations. This setting allows you to further refine which events display on your OpenCities site by selecting or unselecting organizers within organizations.

For example, if you use one Eventbrite account to create both internal or external events, you can create organizer profiles to separate them and only sync public events to your OpenCities site.

Choose your organizers in More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Eventbrite and select or unselect the relevant organizers under Which of your organizers would you like to mirror on this site? Once selected, any events assigned to the organizer's profile will sync to OpenCities.

Eventbrite site management settings with organizers selected

Manage the Eventbrite Settings

Once you've installed and set up the Eventbrite module for each site, these are the settings you can adjust for your imported events.

Private token This is the Private token generated from your Eventbrite account. This can be changed should you need to switch accounts.
Which organizers would you like to mirror on this site?

Use this setting to select each Eventbrite organizer for the applicable site.

For example, you may have an Eventbrite organizer (managed under one admin account) that only has events for your Theatre site. If you only want to import theatre events into your Theatre subsite, you can check this organizer under your theatre settings.

Learn more about using multiple Eventbrite accounts with OpenCities.

Event type

Select which types of events to sync from Eventbrite:

  • All types: sync both Public and Private events
  • Public: sync only Public events
  • Private: sync only Private events
Location to create initial mirrored OC Event in site tree

Use this setting to indicate the folder in your site tree where you would like to house your imported events. By default, this will be [sitename]/Eventbrite, but you can change this to any folder you want.

If this folder does not exist, it will be created when you save your Event settings.


Select the template you want to use for imported events from the drop-down menu. Eventbrite events will be imported using the OC Default template if you don't choose a template in this field.

If you use a custom template and then delete this template, imported events will revert to OC Default. Additionally, content authors can Update individual events and change the template if needed.

Learn more about event templates.

Default Author

Choose a default Page author for events imported from Eventbrite. This is a predictive text field. Type a user's name with appropriate permissions to create pages and select a staff member from the list.

Note: Eventbrite events will be assigned to a default admin user if you don't enter a user in this field. This is important for event workflows, as users with high-level permissions like the default "admin" account are often exempted from workflows.

We recommend changing the Default Author to someone in your city or council who can take responsibility for events but cannot skip workflows.

Default Category

When events are imported from Eventbrite, the OpenCities system automatically matches those categories to those in the Event settings. If a match cannot be found, you can use this setting to select a default category to assign to the event as it's imported.

To change the categories available in OpenCities, please see our Manage the Events module article.

Note: you can assign categories and tags to your events in Eventbrite. Any tags set to your event will not be mirrored on your site when the event is imported.

Workflow for...

Select whether you'd like to apply your OpenCities event workflow to new or updated Eventbrite listings.

As events are imported into the OC Event content type, they will automatically go through any events workflows you have. However, if the Default Author setting specifies a user with a role that skips the event workflow, you must set up a new workflow step specifically for OC Events from Eventbrite. If you do this, ensure that the Default Author user's role cannot skip the new workflow.

If you already have a workflow in place for creating Eventbrite events, you might choose to exclude Eventbrite listings from your OpenCities workflow to prevent doubling up your review process.

When events are no longer live...

Choose what happens to imported events when those events are no longer live on Eventbrite. You can choose from:

  • Archive the event (default): this will remove the event from your live site but allow you to restore it later.
  • Delete the event in OpenCities: this will delete the event page completely, and it cannot be restored.
  • Leave the event active: this will leave the event on your live site, and you will need to Archive or Delete it manually in OpenCities. It won't appear in event listings if it's a past event.

This setting will be implemented at each sync.

Note: on Eventbrite, you can choose whether past or canceled events remain live. If canceled events remain live, those events will also be marked canceled on your OpenCities site.

Save and sync now

Use the Save and sync now button to manually and immediately sync your Eventbrite account with OpenCities.

The Eventbrite connection is scheduled to sync every 3 hours. This field also provides the time and date of your Last sync and a Sync in progress bar.

Now that your module is set up and configured, you can continue to update your imported events.

Use Multiple Eventbrite Accounts with OpenCities

You may have multiple Eventbrite organizations and organizer profiles spread across various teams. For example, your theatre team might have their own organizer profiles to manage events solely for the theatre.

You can connect these separate Eventbrite organizations with OpenCities using a main admin Eventbrite account. You can then choose which organizations and organizers will import events for each of your sites.

To link your Eventbrite organizations, you'll need:

  • An Eventbrite account you'd like to act as your main admin account. You should own this.
  • Additional Eventbrite accounts and organizations for various teams or venues within your city. 

Depending on your plan, there may be additional costs; please refer to the Eventbrite pricing guide.

To link multiple accounts together in Eventbrite, instruct the teams you'd like to connect to your main admin account to take the following steps:

  1. Log into their Eventbrite account and go to Account Settings.
  2. Change their First name and Surname to something descriptive of their role, like "Theatre." This will make it easier to manage accounts when you sync them with OpenCities.
  3. Go to Organization Settings > Team Management.
  4. Select Invite Users.
  5. Enter the email address associated with your main Eventbrite admin account, and select the Admin role.
  6. Select Add.
  7. This will send an email invite to the address associated with your main admin account.
  8. As the main admin account owner, select Get Started when you receive these emails.

Use your main Eventbrite admin account to connect to OpenCities and select which Eventbrite organizer(s) to sync with your various OpenCities sites.

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