Subsites are smaller, secondary public-facing sites. Subsites have different styling, content, and URLs and can be created for many reasons, such as:
- Economic development
- Galleries, museums, theatres, and other arts
- Big departments such as police, fire, and city attorney departments
- Libraries
- Tourism and ongoing events
- Sports, activities, and leisure
Please note that a subsite might not always be the best option. If you have a small section of the site that you want to differentiate, you can use OC Landing Pages and featured sections to give them a different look while still being part of your main site.
If you're interested in purchasing a subsite, submit a ticket and our team will get in touch with you to talk about the process.
Once this process is complete and your subsite is ready to go live, your site manager will need to submit a ticket to finalize the process at least three weeks before the launch date. Our team will arrange changes to the bindings and DNS if it is independent of your main site's domain name. Check if you're ready to launch using our go-live checklist.
Modules and Content Types
The following modules and content types are available for subsites. Some of them will be automatically installed when you create the site, but others you will need to manually install. Those in bold text are modules that you can only install if you also have a main site or Intranet.
- A-Z Directory
- Announcements
- Bids and Tenders
- Calendars
- Community Engagement – Premium
- Departments
- Development Applications
- Document Library
- Elected Officials
- Events
- Eventbrite - Premium
- External User Management - Premium
- General pages
- Glossary
- Homepage
- Image Gallery
- Initiatives
- Jobs
- Landing pages
- Lost Animals
- Maps
- Minutes and Agendas
- News
- Page Discussions - Premium as part of the Community Engagement module
- Page Feedback
- Parks
- Public Notices
- Redirect Pages
- Related Content
- Rotating Banners
- Services
- Site Footer
- Site Login
- Site Search
- Subscriptions
- Venues
- Works and Projects
After you've created a subsite, you cannot delete it entirely, but you can archive it so it's no longer visible. To archive a site, go to More > Site Management > your site and select the Archive button on the Overview tab. Once a site has been archived, it can be restored by following the same process and selecting Restore.