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Gather search data using the Search Report

avatar of Kira Hartley

Kira Hartley

Last updated

This task is for users with the following roles: OC Site Manager and OC System Administrator.

Search Reports are an additional reporting tool you can use to measure the effectiveness of your site and module searches. You can use this tool to gather information on popular searches and search terms that are not returning results. One of the main benefits of the Search Report is the ability to see data from specific module listing searches.

a search report

For example, you can see if any frequently used keywords do not return results by searching for failed searches. Once you know these keywords, you can add them to the common search terms field of the desired page so your community will find them via site search or module search. This is particularly useful when ensuring your community finds the right services or departments for their needs.

Using the Search Report

To use the Search Report:

  1. From the main menu, go to More > Search Reports. The Search Reports are site-specific, so you'll need to select the site you need before going to the report. 
  2. Select the content list you need from the List dropdown field. Content lists power search results, so you'll find one for your internal site search, all module listings, and any custom search results lists you've created. All content lists created by us will be named like this: "OC CL [group name] [listing name]".
  3. Select which Report type you want to see, either Most Popular Searches or Failed Searches.
  4. Select a date range using the From and To fields under Search date.
  5. Select the language you need from the Language dropdown field.
  6. Select Search when you're ready.

Understanding your report

Once you've entered and searched your filters, the Search Report will appear in a table below them. The table will include four columns: 

  • No. times used: the number of times this keyword has been searched for in this content list.
  • Keyword: the keyword used in the search.
  • Language used when performing search: the user's language while searching.
  • Other filters present: any other filters used in the search, such as a Category while searching for an event or park. Please note that this will not specify the additional filter, just whether there was one.

You can reorder your columns by clicking on the arrows next to each column name; the No. times used column will reorder numerically, while the Keyword column will reorder alphabetically.

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