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MyCity Event Listings for Subsites

avatar of Kira Hartley

Kira Hartley

Last updated

MyCity sites operate through user-submitted pages, which are then shared to another site. Here's how it works:

  • Users can submit event pages for publication, which then can be published to your MyCity site and shared to your main site and subsites.
  • You can set up your MyCity to share published events on multiple sites.
  • When you share pages from MyCity to another site, all pages of that content type will be shared.

How to Use Content Lists to Share Specific Pages to a Subsite

One solution is to utilize a workflow and instruct your content reviewers to add a content label to each relevant event coming from MyCity and then create a content list designed to only show events with that label.

  1. Ensure that your MyCity Site Management settings publish events to the site you need them to.
  2. Ensure that you have set a workflow for events where your reviewers can add a content label before publishing them.
  3. Switch over to your subsite and create a new OC General page in your site tree; you could title it something like "Community Events." You might also have a general event listing on your subsite (for events created by your content authors), so you may want to set up a link between that listing and your new general page.
  4. Open the WYSIWYG Editor and select the Insert Content Lists option from the WYSIWYG Toolbar.
  5. Go to the Create tab, select Base on content types or labels, and then Next.
  6. For a filtered list of 10 events coming from your main site, listed by date, we recommend these Options settings:
    • Content types to include: Some > OC Event
    • Content labels to include: Some > [your content label]
    • Maximum number of items to display: 10
    • Include content from: Whole content tree
    • Include content from these sites: [your main site]
    • Sort: By = Add event dates, Direction = Ascending
      content list options settings
  7. Select Next once you've finished selecting your filter options, and then choose your Template. You'll find specific event listing templates under the Special tab. Select Next again when you've chosen the template.
  8. Add any related content you want - this could be a good place to add a link back to your subsite's main event listing - then select Insert.
    content list widget in text editor
  9. Save Content and Close the WYSIWYG Editor, then Save your page and Preview it to make sure it looks as you want it to. Remember, events won't display if they haven't been published yet.
  10. Publish your new listing when you're ready.
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