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User Guide: System Administrators and Site Managers

avatar of Kira Hartley

Kira Hartley

Last updated

Users with the OC System Administrator or OC Site Manager roles are responsible for managing all aspects of their site(s), including site management, users, and content management. This User Guide will touch on several different topics; it is intended to be a starting point for learning about the OpenCities product and a springboard for more advanced features and tools you can use with your site.

You can also sign up for our regular refresher training sessions, and key contacts in your organization can submit a support case for additional assistance.

About OpenCities

The following articles introduce different aspects of OpenCities; we recommend all new admin staff read these articles.

Managing users, roles, and sites

As System Administrators and Site Managers, part of your role is to manage users, roles, and your sites. The following articles introduce the basics of these topics.

Users and roles

Site Management

Managing content

Although the day-to-day content creation and publishing may fall to other members of your team, there are still content management tasks for which you are responsible.

These articles go through the basics of managing your sites, but you can also check out our User Guide for Content Publishers for more information about creating, publishing, and deleting content on your site.

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