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Manage the Spydus Module

avatar of Kira Hartley

Kira Hartley

Last updated

This task is for users with the OC Developer, OC Site Manager, or OC System Administrator roles.

The Spydus module is a premium module; you'll need to submit a support case so we can install it. After installation, you must set it up to start syncing events to the sites with which you'd like to use the module.

Set Up the Spydus Module

Once the module is installed, contact the Spydus support team for your account information. You'll need to enter this information into your Spydus Site Management settings for each relevant site. 

  1. Copy your Spydus account information and go to More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Spydus.
    the Spydus site Management icon
  2. Paste your account information into each relevant field:
    • Spydus Url
    • Customer Key
    • Username
    • Password
    • Institution Id
    • Library Id
      the Spydus account settings
  3. Select Save Settings.

After saving your account information, additional settings will be available so you can configure the module.

Manage Your Spydus Settings

After installing and setting up the module, these are the settings you can configure for synced events:

Spydus Url This is the URL to your city or council's Spydus site.
Customer Key This is the private token generated from your Spydus account.
Username This is your username to your organization's Spydus account.
Password This is the password to your organization's Spydus account.
Institution Id This is the ID for the institution you want to link.
Library Id

This is the ID for the library you want to link.

Please note: this is a required field for the sync to occur. Events will sync from all locations, regardless of the Library Id you save here.

Location to create initial mirrored OC Event in site tree You can use this setting to indicate the folder in your site tree where you want to publish content from Spydus. By default, this will be [sitename]/Spydus, but you can change this if necessary.

You can use the drop-down menu to select the template for synced events. If you don't choose a template, spydus events will sync using the OC Default template.

If you use a custom template and delete it, synced events will revert to OC Default. Additionally, content authors can still Update individual events and change the template if needed.

Learn more about event templates.

Default Author

You can choose a default Page author for content synced from Spydus. This is a predictive text field. Start typing the name of a user with appropriate permissions and select the correct name from the list.

Note: if you don't enter a user in this field, Spydus events will be assigned a default admin user. This can impact any workflows in place, as those admin users may be exempt from workflows. We recommend assigning these pages to a user who can take responsibility for them but cannot skip workflows.

Default category When events are synced from Spydus, OpenCities will automatically match those categories to those in your Event settings. If a match cannot be found, the system will default to the category you specify in this field. You can add or remove categories in your Events Site Management settings.
Workflow for...

Select whether you'd like to apply your OpenCities event workflow to new or updated Spydus listings.

As events are imported into the OC Event content type, they will automatically go through any events workflows you have. However, if the Default Author setting specifies a user with a role that skips the event workflow, you must set up a new workflow step specifically for OC Events from Spydus. If you do this, ensure that the Default Author user's role cannot skip the new workflow.

If you already have a workflow for creating Spydus events, you can exclude Spydus listings from your OpenCities workflow to prevent doubling up your review process.

When events are no longer live...

Use this drop-down menu to choose what happens to synced content when those listings are no longer live on Spydus. You can choose to:

  • Archive the OC Event (default): this will remove the page from your site but allow you to restore it later.
  • Delete the OC Event in OpenCities: this will remove the page completely, and it cannot be restored.
  • Leave the OC Event active: this will leave the page live on your site, and you will need to Archive or Delete it manually. It will no longer display on your event listings if it's a past event.

This setting is implemented at each sync.

Note: if canceled events remain live, they will be marked canceled on your OpenCities site.

Save and sync now

Use the Save and sync now button to manually and immediately sync your Spydus account with OpenCities.

The integration is scheduled to sync daily at 1 am. This field also provides the time and date of your Last sync and a Sync in progress bar.

Remember to select Save Settings and Save when you're finished.

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