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Section Navigation for General Pages

avatar of Kira Hartley

Kira Hartley

Last updated

Section navigation is found on OC General pages using a 2-column template. On these pages, you'll notice that the left-hand content area is used for a navigation menu. This simple menu displays three levels of pages relative to where they are in the section. It is not meant to replace your site navigation but to provide context to the user of where this page sits in your site tree.

As such, section navigation is restricted to the three levels of the site tree and has no expanding or call-to-action features. An indent distinguishes different levels of pages, and you can set the background, font, and hover colors in your theme.

A section begins at the top level of your site tree, and section navigation will always display three levels of pages, starting from the first child page of the section. We'll go through this using this example:

site tree with six page levels  

In this scenario, the First level page, as the parent page, will display the two direct child pages (both Second level pages) in the section navigation.

menu featuring the first level of pages

As the user progresses through each level, the section navigation will expand to include the second, third, and fourth level pages, and the page they're on will be bolded.

menu featuring the fourth level of pages

However, when the user reaches the Fifth level and Sixth level pages, they'll still only see levels 2-4 in the navigation.

menu featuring the sixth level of pages

Section navigation is only available for 2-column general pages and is often used with OC Landing Pages or featured sections.

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