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Create Bulletin Templates for OpenCities

avatar of Kira Hartley

Kira Hartley

Last updated

This task is for users with the OC Site Manager or OC System Administrator roles.

In govDelivery, you use bulletins to send messages to subscribers, and this integration uses standard bulletins. While you can control the body template for each content type from OpenCities, the templates for the header and footer come from govDelivery.

a template showing the header and footer in red and the body section in grey

There are three types of standard bulletin templates:

  • General Bulletin template: Created and sent for multiple topics at a time. Please note that this template is not used with OpenCities bulletins.
  • Default Topic Bulletin template: Used with a specific topic when that topic doesn't have a Topic Bulletin template or if you select multiple topics in OpenCities.
  • Topic Bulletin template: Created and sent for specific topics.

You'll need to ensure you have formatted the header and footer for these before you start sending bulletins.

Create Templates for Bulletin Body Content

While the header and footer templates come from govDelivery, you can create a body content template for each content type. By default, each available content type will already include the bulletin message you write as you create the bulletin. To customize them further:

  1. Go to More > govDelivery and select the Templates tab. There are separate sections for System Content Types and Custom Content Types.
    the templates tab in the govdelivery settings
  2. When you select the relevant content type, the Bulletin Template will open below the list, and you can edit the Subject and body content.
  3. The Subject field will be the subject line for each email; by default, it contains the placeholder {PageName}, which auto-fills the Page name field into the email.
  4. The text box is where you will create and style your body content. In addition to the bulletin message, you can add HTML and free text or use the Data fields drop-down menu to Insert dynamic fields specific to each content type or page.
    The bulletin template text fields
  5. Save when you're finished.

You can add the bulletin message when you send bulletins from specific pages, so you may want to avoid adding content that will repeat in the message or the header and footer templates.

HTML Example

Please note that you are responsible for adding and maintaining HTML additions and styling. As such, we recommend consulting a front-end developer when creating these templates.

We recommend having some experience using HTML before adding styling, but below, you'll find an example of a Link Data field styled as a center-aligned button.

This is the link, styled with Granicus brand colors and center-aligned. You'll need to replace the hex codes with your own brand colors.

<p align="center">
<a href='<ItemData DataDefinition="Link" Template="default"/>' style="display:flex; width: 89px; height: 36px; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-shrink: 0; background-color:#E5163D; border-radius: 4px; text-decoration: none; color:#F4F4F4"> Open Page

This is the same button link, in context with the bulletin message and salutations.

<div style="margin: 40px;">
Hey Resident,
<EmailTag type="BulletinMessage"/>
<p align="center">
<a href='<ItemData DataDefinition="Link" Template="default"/>' style="display:flex; width: 89px; height: 36px; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-shrink: 0; background-color:#E5163D; border-radius: 4px; text-decoration: none; color:#F4F4F4"> Open Page

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