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What's New in January 2024 (v1.32)

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

ATDW Improvements

  • Improved the ATDW integration to sync all 11 object types from ATDW, you can now sync & display the following items on your OpenCities sites.

    • Accomodation
    • Attractions
    • Destination Information (New)
    • Events
    • Food and Drink
    • General Services (New)
    • Hire (New)
    • Information Services (New)
    • Journey (New)
    • Tours
    • Transport (New)

WCAG 2.1 Accessibility Improvements

  • OpenCities Complies with 2.5.3 Label in Name
  • Accessibility Checker Handles 2.5.3 Label in Name

Replaced Twitter branding with X

All Twitter logos have been replaced with the new X logo. To ensure these changes can be applied across your sites, you will need to update your themes.

  • If you are using the OpenCities sprite.svg file, follow the steps below:
      1. Go to More > Themes and create a new theme (this is just temporary).
      2. Select the files tab & search for sprite.svg.
      3. Select the file name & download the file.
      4. Select your existing theme & select update.
      5. Select the files tab
      6. Select Add Files and upload the sprite.svg file you download.
      7. Publish your theme with the new sprite file. (For each theme you have applied in your OpenCities you will need to upload this file.)
  • If you are using your own custom sprite svg file, you will need to manually update the previous Twitter logo to the current X logo for your file.
  • If you have an exisiting OC Footer Link with references to Twitter, you will need to update it with the steps below.
      1. Go to Site Management > Site footer > Social media icons.
      2. Delete the line for Twitter.
      3. Add "X".
      4. Save the settings.
      5. Go to existing OC Footer Link Twitter pages.
      6. Rename & Select X from the Select link icon dropdown, or delete & create a new page.
  • If you currently have a utility bar link to Twitter, you will need to go to Site Management > Utility Bar and Share pages, to update the name and Icon from Twitter to X.


OpenCities Changelog

A detailed overview to learn about changes to OpenCities in v1.32



  • Fixed an issue where syncing all the ATDW content at once could result in the content being incorrectly updated.
  • Fixed an issue where the options on ATDW attraction pages where incorrectly titled "Room Types".

Solr Search (Limited Release)

  • Fixed an issue where search could return false positives when using phonetic matching.
  • Fixed an issue where re-importing addresses could result to duplicate addresses appearing.
  • Fixed an issue where lists with a default filter for custom file fields, did not return the correct results.

To submit your expression of interest for the limited release program of Solr search, sign up here.

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