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Create Listing Pages for ATDW

avatar of Kira Hartley

Kira Hartley

Last updated

As you set up the ATDW integration, we recommend deciding how you want to display your accommodation, attraction, and event listings. You should think about:

Module Interface Listing Options

After we install the ATDW integration, you can use two new listing templates on the OC Module Interface page. Both templates are global lists and list all OC Accommodation or OC Tourist Attraction pages on your site.

OC Accommodation Listing:

  • Displays all OC Accommodation pages on your site in alphabetical order
  • Listing shows the accommodation title, description, image, location, and types
  • You can filter accommodation by Suburb and Accommodation Type or search by keyword
example of an accommodation listing page

OC Tourist Attraction Listing:

  • Displays all OC Tourist Attraction pages on your site in alphabetical order
  • Listing shows the accommodation title, description, image, location, and types
  • You can filter accommodation by Suburb and Attraction Type or search by keyword
example of an attraction listing page

The OC Event pages that you sync from ATDW are listed with other events; there are several events listing templates to choose from.

Custom Content Lists Using Content Labels

Instead of one list of all pages, you may want to divide them by type. For example, you could list attractions with the Food & Drink Type separately from other OC Tourist Attraction pages and then further divide them by the type of establishment. The list below shows the restaurants within Point Russell:

a content list of restaurants

This requires creating a mix of OC Landing Pages, OC General pages, a workflow, and content lists. We recommend starting by deciding how you want users to navigate your site.

Decide on Your Site Navigation

Start by deciding how you want to divide your pages. Do you want to divide your attractions into broad categories, such as Food and drink or Arts and culture? Or do you want to go further and separate all Food and drink pages into venue types such as Restaurants, Bars and pubs, and Wineries?

This will decide what your site tree looks like:

the site tree showing three levels of navigation

In the example above, the OC Landing Pages are used for navigation, while each OC General page has a content list with relevant content labels to show the individual items. You must create a workflow for your ATDW pages to label each page appropriately.

Create a Workflow

As ATDW pages come from the ATDW integration, you'll need to manually add a content label to each page as it comes through. The best way to do this is to set up a workflow for new or updated OC Event, OC Tourist Attraction, and OC Accommodation pages.

As the pages go through the workflow, the approver can apply the correct content label before the page is published. With the content label applied, each page will display on the relevant content list.

Set Up a Content List

Following the example above, this is how you set up a content list for your Restaurants page:

  1. On the Restaurants OC General page, change the template to OC Full Width Without Image for maximum space, and open the WYSIWYG Editor.
  2. Select the Insert Content Lists option from the WYSIWYG Toolbar.
  3. Go to the Create tab, select Base on content types or labels, and then enter your Options settings.
  4. For this example, the Options settings will be:
    • Content types to include: Some > OC Tourist Attraction
    • Content labels to include: Some > Restaurants
    • Maximum number of items to display: 50
    • Include content from: Whole content tree
    • Include content from these sites: [your site]
    • Sort: By = Page title, Direction = Ascending
      content list option settings
  5. Select Next, choose your Template, then select Next again.
  6. Add any related content you want, then select Insert.
  7. Save Content and Close the WYSIWYG Editor, then Save your page and Preview it to make sure it looks as you want it to. Remember, list items won't display if they haven't been published yet.
    green content list widget in the body content
  8. Publish your new listing when you're ready.

You'll need to select the relevant content label for each page. The Maximum number of items to display should be high so you don't have to edit the list when more pages are synced from ATDW.

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