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Set Up Your Staff Directory Pages

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

When we create your Intranet and set up the Staff Directory module, we'll make the module pages you'll need for a practical staff directory. These include:

  • The Staff Directory listing page, which lists all the staff members in your organization.
  • The staff profile page, which changes for the specific staff member you're looking at.
  • The edit staff profile page, which allows your staff members to edit their profiles.

If these pages have been deleted, you'll need to replace them, but if you're using the pages we set up, you can go straight to populating your staff profiles.

Create Staff Directory Pages

Where you create these pages is up to you, but we recommend creating the staff profile and edit profile pages under the listing page to help keep your site tree organized. You may also want to nest your org chart page under the staff directory listing.

staff directory pages in the site tree

To create your staff directory pages:

  1. Right-click in your site tree where you want to create these pages and select Create Page.
  2. Choose OC Module Interface as the content type.
  3. Fill out the necessary page fields and any other content you want to include.
  4. From the Template Name drop-down menu, select your template. The table below will detail which template you should use for each page.
    a page template
  5. Publish your page.
  6. Update your Site Management settings to reflect your different listing, profile, and edit pages.

Staff Directory Page Templates

Use the following information to decide which template you need for each page:

Page Content type Template
Staff Directory listing page OC Module Interface OC Staff Directory
Staff Profile page OC Module Interface OC Staff Profile
Edit profile page OC Module Interface OC Staff Profile Edit

Once you have recreated these pages, you must update the Staff Directory settings in Site Management. After these settings have been updated, the system will link all the necessary pages together, so your staff members will automatically be connected to the right page as they navigate the module.

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