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Populate Your Staff Profiles

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

Once you've set up your Staff Directory module, you'll need to start populating the staff profiles. This article will go through most of the process, but here's the short version:

  1. Configure what information can be provided in User Detail Management.
  2. Add your users with the role of OC Member.
  3. Configure what information is available for each user in User Management.
  4. Configure what information is shown on the published staff directory in Site Management.

User Detail Management

This task is for users with the OC Site Manager, OC System Administrator, and OC Developer roles.

In User Detail Management, you can choose which fields are available for you and your staff members to edit for the Staff Directory. You can add fields using the buttons along the top and remove or edit individual fields. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to More > User Detail Management.
  2. Use the buttons along the top to add fields. Your options are:
    • Textbox: Adds a text box for short text, such as job titles or email address
    • Textarea: Add a text box for longer text, such as responsibility or availability details
    • Combobox: Adds a drop-down menu
    • Checkbox: Adds a selection field, which can be used to select multiple options
    • RadioButton: Adds a selection field, which can be used to select only one option
    • Date: Adds a date field
  3. Use the Edit icon next to each field to change the display label or make it a required field.
  4. Use the Bin icon with each field to delete it.
  5. Save your changes when you've finished.

When you edit a field, you can change the Display label (which is the label that will appear in the staff profile), make it a Required field, or add options if it's a Combobox, Checkbox, or Radiobutton.

Now that these fields are configured, you must add your staff members to OpenCities.

the user details management screen

Add Staff Members

To populate the staff details, every staff member must be in the OpenCities system and be an OC Member. This will also allow them to access the intranet but not give them any admin permissions.

There are three ways you can do this:

  1. Use the Azure AD connector to map user details from Azure Active Directory. Remember that, when using Azure AD, you'll need to map the fields to a property in Azure AD and add all staff members to an AD group mapped to the OC Member role.
  2. Create a CSV file of staff details to import into OpenCities.
  3. Manually set up staff members as OpenCities users and enter those details into the profiles.

Remember that if you're importing or manually creating users, you need to assign the OC Member role to all of them so they'll display in the staff directory. You'll also need to upload staff profile images manually into the Files Library for your Intranet. Make sure each image is named {username}.jpg and upload them into the Profile Images folder in your Files Library. Uploading them in this folder and using this naming convention will make linking them to profiles easier.

When using Azure AD and mapping profile images, you must create a folder in your Files Library to receive the imported images. This folder must be named Profile Images for the import to be successful.

Once you've created all your users, you can decide which fields will display in the Staff Directory and profile page in User Management and which fields your staff members can edit themselves in Site Management.

User Management

If you're adding your staff members through the Azure AD connector, or importing them using a CSV file, then the details of each staff profile will populate automatically. However, if you're manually adding each staff member, you'll need to manually add those details.

You can edit staff profiles through User Management, while your staff members can edit their profiles from the live site. To edit these profiles through the admin of your Intranet, go to More > Users, then select Admin Management for staff that are also assigned as admins, or Member Management for staff that only have the OC Member role. 

the member management screen

Select a staff member from the list to edit their profile. Some of the fields might be custom ones that you've added, but these are the default fields: 

Field Function
Username The username that the staff member uses to log in 
Email The email of the staff member
First name The first name of the staff member
Last name The last name of the staff member
Manager The username of the person that the staff member reports to
Job title The job title of the staff member
Street address The street address of the staff member's office 
Department The department that the staff member works in
Suburb The suburb of the staff member's office
Postcode The postcode or ZIP code of the staff member's office
Profile Image A profile image for the staff member
Extension The phone extension for the staff member
OC State The state or county in which the staff member works
Phone The phone number for the staff member
Mobile A mobile phone number for the staff member
Fax The fax number for the staff member
Business Unit The name of the business unit that the staff member belongs to
Location The name of the location or office in which the staff member works
Custom fields

If you have set up custom fields for the module in User Detail Management, you will also see those fields here. Some ideas for custom fields are:

  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Skills and experience
  • Availability
  • About me
  • Fun facts or favorite "...."

Note: once you have added custom fields in User Details Management, you must ensure they are listed in the Staff Details section of the Staff Directory module settings in Site Management. Once they are listed there, you can edit these fields in User Management.

Once you've added all your staff members and populated their profiles, the information will available on the live Intranet. You can decide what information is shown on the directory, and what information your staff can edit themselves, in the Staff Directory module settings.

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