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About the Parks Module

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

The Parks module allows you to display all your council or city parks in one place. The module uses the OC Module Interface and OC Park content types to create a listing that your community can use to browse and explore the features of the parks in your area.

Parks listing page

The listing page gathers all OC Park pages created in the site tree and has a stream layout with the park's title, address, summary, image, and tags of all OC Park pages.

The listing page will show 10 parks per page and a search function. The OC Parks template has a WYSIWYG content area above the listing for an introduction and below the listing for any supplemental information.

Create a Parks Listing Page

  1. Right-click in the site tree where you want to create the listing.
  2. Select Create page.
  3. Choose OC Module Interface as the content type.
  4. Select OC Parks from the Template Name drop-down menu.
  5. Fill out the necessary fields on the listing page.
  6. Publish the page.

Module Interface with Parks template

The listing page will pull OC Park pages from all over the site. To keep the site tree organized, it may be helpful to create all OC Park pages as child pages of the listing page. 

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