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Two templates are available for an OC Park page: OC Default and OC With Full Width Image. The default template emphasizes information, while the full-width template highlights an image.
Choose the template that's right for you from the Template Name drop-down. Save before you press Preview to see your page with the template applied.
OC Default:
2-column template showing the main image wrapped by the WYSIWYG content. We recommend using an image that is at least 480 px wide.
Shows an address, a map, a photo gallery (if related images are included), and a categories list
Right-hand column includes park snapshot details and related information links
This template works for all kinds of park pages. Because the text wraps around the image, it is better suited to park pages with extra information to include in the WYSIWYG.
OC With Full-Width Image:
2-column template showing the main image, followed by the WYSIWYG content. We recommend using an image that is at least 900 px wide.
Shows an address, a map, a photo gallery (if related images are included), and a category list
Right-hand column includes facility snapshot details and related information links
Use this template for park pages with a beautiful, eye-catching image.