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Migrating Your Content

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

Before launching your site, you'll need to migrate your content from your previous website to our system. There are two ways to do this:

  • Your team migrates the content manually
  • Our team migrates the content manually

If we migrate your content, we map structured and body content from old pages to equivalent fields in OpenCities content types. 

If you want our team to migrate your content, you'll need to contact your project manager to get the process started, as these are paid options. Additionally, please remember that you will need to do a comprehensive review of all the content before going live to ensure that all the content is correct and there are no broken elements such as links or files.

If you want to migrate your content yourself, you can use this as a basic guide to what content types you should use:

Pages on your previous site OpenCities content type
Department landing pages OC Department
Landing pages for sections OC Landing Page
Building applications for development projects OC Development Application
Mayor and other elected officials profiles OC Elected Official
Events OC Event
City or council services OC Service
Long-term planning projects, priorities, and objectives OC Initiative
Job postings OC Job
Mapped locations that are not venues, parks, or projects OC Location
Lost animal listings OC Lost Animal
Minutes and agendas OC Meeting
News articles and media releases OC News Article
Parks OC Park
Public works or city development projects OC Project
Public notices OC Public Notice
City or council venues OC Venue

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