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User Guide: Content Publishers

avatar of Kira Hartley

Kira Hartley

Last updated

Users responsible for regular content publishing often have the OC Editor, OC Publisher, or OC Power Publisher roles. Permissions differ between these roles, but they encompass everything from content creation to editing and removal. This User Guide is a starting point for learning about the OpenCities product and the features and tools available to content publishers.

You can also sign up for our regular refresher training sessions. Depending on your role, some product features are unavailable; check out Using roles created by OpenCities for a description of each role. If you need more help, we recommend contacting your System Administrator or Site Manager for guidance.

About OpenCities

The following articles introduce different aspects of OpenCities; we recommend all new admin staff read these articles.

Creating content

The main roles of content publishers are often to create, edit, and remove content pages and files.


Files and images

Content types

Several modules and content types are more widely used than others:

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