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Upload Meeting Minutes and Agendas

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OpenCities Product Team

Last updated

Now that your listing page has been set up, and you've created a meeting, you can start uploading your minutes and agendas documentation. This article will explain how to:

Please note that adding viewing permissions to OC Meeting Document pages is not currently supported. If you want to restrict viewing access to your community, you will need to add permission restrictions to the parent OC Meeting page.

Adding Minutes and Agendas 

  1. Locate the OC Meeting page in the site tree to which you want to add minutes and agendas.
  2. Right-click on the meeting page and create an OC Meeting Document as a child page of your OC Meeting. This is where you will upload your minutes or agenda documents. If you have one minutes document and an agenda document, you’ll need to create two OC Meeting Document pages. Your meeting should look like this in the site tree:
    Meeting, Minutes and Agenda pages in site tree
  3. Give your meeting document a page and document name. 
  4. Upload the document in the Add meeting document field.
  5. If you want the document to be available in different formats, upload other versions of the file in the Add meeting document in alternative formats field.
  6. If you want your document to be available as an HTML version, copy the content into the WYSIWYG, and ensure that the Generate PDF document from body content box is checked. 
  7. Publish your OC Meeting Document.
  8. If you need to upload more than one minutes or agenda document, you can use OC Meeting Folders. See below for more details.

Here's how your documents might look on your site:
Meeting expanded on listing page

Uploading Multiple Documents

If your minutes or agendas are spread across multiple documents, the Minutes & Agenda module can expand to accommodate this:

  1. Locate the OC Meeting page where you want to add minutes and agendas in the site tree.
  2. Create an OC Meeting Folder as a child page of your OC Meeting.
  3. Name the folder and select a folder type. The default options are Minutes and Agenda.

    You can add new folder types by going to More > Site Management > your site > Settings > Minutes & Agenda. Under Meeting document types, add a new type. Save your changes.

  4. Create an OC Meeting Document as a child page of the OC Meeting Folder.
  5. Upload the file in the Add meeting document field.
  6. If you want the document to be available in different formats, upload other file versions in the Add meeting document in alternative formats field.
  7. If you want the document to be available as an HTML version, copy the content into the WYSIWYG. 
  8. Publish your OC Meeting Document.
  9. Repeat steps 4-8 for each additional document.
    Multiple Meetings, Minutes and Agendas pages in the site tree

Here’s how multiple documents might look on your site:
Meeting with multiple documents expanded on listing page

What to Include on Your OC Meeting Document:

Field Function
Page name Completes the unique page URL

Document name

Title displayed on OC Meetings and at top of document page
Add meeting document Upload PDF files of your meeting document

Generate PDF document from body content

Checking this box will generate a PDF of any content in the WYSIWYG Editor 

The WYSIWYG editor can be found by selecting Body Content in the WYSIWYG Editor drop-down menu.

Any content added here will be used to generate a PDF file, if the Generate PDF document from body content box is checked.

Add meeting document in alternative formats Upload your meeting documents in a different format, e.g., DOCX or PPTX
Supporting information
Add related links Related internal and external links for the meeting
Add related documents Any meeting documents that ARE NOT minutes or agendas
Deprecated Fields
Select document type (this field will be removed in Q3 2018) This legacy field will be phased out; please do not utilize this feature. Follow the above instructions to create your minutes and agendas. 

Any documents you upload as an OC Meeting Document are searchable from your meeting listing page. However, any document you upload in the Supporting information section of an OC Meeting or OC Meeting Document page is not.

If you’re looking for more ways to let your community know about city matters, check out the Community Engagement module.

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